Creating Change Wear (Where) You Are: Kara Skaflestad
Changewear is committed to supporting women where they are. We believe that supporting each other, no matter the circumstances or story, creates a movement to empower each other. By celebrating our differences, sharing challenges and acknowledging our wins, we shine light on our tenacity, resilience and strength.
Changewear is pleased to present a series featuring inspiring women and their amazing accomplishments and impact. By highlighting and sharing each woman’s story and passionate endeavors, we can build each other up, spread the word, create a meaningful network of support and share stories of how women are Creating Change Where They Are.
Meet Kara:
We are pleased for you to meet Kara Skaflestad, Founder & CEO of Fighting Pretty. Fighting Pretty's mission is to help women battling breast cancer to feel strong and beautiful...to fight pretty! Kara and her team work to connect women to meaningful care packages which hope to inspire them to remain strong and positive despite their circumstances. As a breast cancer survivor herself, Kara is dedicated to her cause and continues to expand her avenues of support within the community.
CW: Please tell us about Fighting Pretty and how you came to create this?
Kara Skaflestad: I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer at the age of 26. While undergoing treatment, a friend’s mother (who was also a breast cancer survivor) gave me a pair of mini pink boxing gloves to remind me to be strong. Those gloves, along with some pink lipstick, were my constant reminders to never give up or lose my sparkle. After I finished treatment, I knew I had to pass on my strength, so I sent the gloves and some beauty items to another woman who’d been diagnosed. Those gloves brought encouragement to five different women. After that, I kept getting requests for care packages. So, in 2013, I founded Fighting Pretty. Our primary mission is to help women battling cancer to feel strong and beautiful. We send Pretty Packages with a new pair of mini pink boxing gloves and a lipstick, among other items, to give a little extra encouragement at a time when women need every bit of fight they can gather. To date, we have sent over 7,000 Pretty Packages to women in all 50 states and around the world.
CW: Change is a big part of our brand and we believe in effecting change where you are and that even the smallest change can bring about huge benefits. What are some changes that you made in your life that had great impacts on you or others around you?
KS: One of the inevitable side effects of cancer is that it changes everything: your body, your relationships, your role in the world. You have to gather your friends and family around you and truly hold on to what’s important. Getting sick and getting better have taught me to roll with the change, take life as it comes. I started a nonprofit and moved across the country - and now Fighting Pretty is changing from this tiny thing operating out of my apartment to a force poised to help women everywhere. Change is part of living and I’m embracing all of it!
CW: What are some ways that we can help support you? What would you like us to know?
KS: At Fighting Pretty, we believe that every woman battling cancer needs to feel strong and beautiful. There are so many ways that people can help us with this mission. You can make a donation, request a Pretty Package to be sent to someone you know who’s fighting cancer. You can host a fundraiser, Lipstick Drive, or participate in our Color Inspiration Program. You can volunteer to help pack boxes or distribute fliers to your local cancer treatment center. We would love to figure out a way to work with you, just send us an email to info@fightingpretty.org
CW: What are you most looking forward to in your immediate future?
KS: 2018 has been a year of huge growth and change for Fighting Pretty. From bringing on new team members, moving into an actual office space with storage(!), appearing on the Today Show, to sending more Pretty Packages than we ever have before! In 2019, we are excited to focus on developing those relationships, with our community, donors, and volunteers. We can’t wait to strengthen the bonds we’ve created and build new ones to take Fighting Pretty’s reach even further.
CW: Changewear is excited to support you because of the thoughtful and impactful changes your are creating. To allow us to follow you and advocate, please share your social media and contact information.
KS: Thank you! You can find us at:
Website: www.fightingpretty.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fightingpretty
Instagram: www.instagram.com/fightingpretty (@fightingpretty)
Twitter: @Fighting_Pretty
Kara, Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed and sharing your greatness with our Changewear community. We wish you the very best as you continue supporting beautiful and deserving women!
Michelle and The Changewear Team
Creating Change Wear (Where) You Are™
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