One of the first toys I received as a child was a shape toy. I matched a shape to a space and the block slid into place if it was the right one. Just like the toys below, shopping for clothing uses the same concept we learned with these toys. Applying one shape to another shape to make a match. It is also how products are designed. Take a moment to look at all the shapes that made your shirt. What do they look like?

Step 1: Identify your body type/shape.
Just like our personalities, our bodies are all very different, but have very similar attributes. Our bodies are a result of a genetic footprint from everything that created us, as well as how we live our lives. The human form holds biological memories. For example scars, stretch marks, and etc. The image below shows various different shaped bodies. Sometimes a person may have a different hip, but same waist as another. While you may find you have a hip/waist measure that are the same as a friend, but breast size or rib cage is different. Breasts sizing changes overtime, and they change with how a person lives their life; just like your body. For example, the memories of life that show on the breast are breast feeding, activity or exercise for this zone, growth spurts, weight gain and loss, as well as breast cancer or aging. Sometimes this is why bras are made differently from one brand to another. The chart below are more prevalent shapes for the global population. Take a moment to look at the hips, waist, and breast size , or type. So what shape does your body resemble? Is it similar to other women in your family? Is it different than your friends body? Is it the same as another person your age?

Part 2: Aging and how shape will change.
Have you ever found yourself changing size in bras overtime, or maybe the cup just started to fit differently? At Changewear® we understand that aging can create some confusion about fit, particularly with bras. We have found in our own research that many women begin to have some problems with sizing between the ages of 26-35 & 66+. So why would a person all of a sudden start to have issues?
1. The human body begins an aging process at 25-27 years of age. Our collagen and biotin fibers in tissue begin decreasing. This creates the changes in skin tone, muscle, and hang of the breast. Also the body has a seven year cycle of aging. So we can usually expect shifts every seven years. Hormone changes are also a factor.
2. Women are or have been nursing. Nursing actually can decrease the tissue found in the upper breast, while the lower breast maintains mass. This also creates a drop to the look of the breast. This is also when resizing is needed.
3. Our diet and activity leaves its mark on the breast shape as well. For example the type of exercise you apply to the area can add lift to the upper breast. A swimmer doing the breast stroke will usually retain some upper mass and lift to the breast. Strong muscles in the upper chest are needed more as we age, and are great for posture.
Diet or more specifically the foods we eat add nourishment to various parts of the body. Foods rich in antioxidants can help the body defend itself against free radicals that age us.
Below is a diagram of the breast aging. This is an important aspect to picking the right cup for the breast. The images are the same size of rib, and same size of breast, with exception to 60+.

Changewear® understands that some of life's physical memories challenge us to be brave. We want women to look at these landmarks on their body and celebrate the stretch-marks from growing up, and pregnancy. Celebrate the scars, and celebrate each year you change. So what is your bodies story? How does it physically show up? How did these events transform you?
Part 3: The type of breast
Breast shape is a tricky thing. We have so many body types, and also as a result of the types of body, we have breast shape. An example I always like to have people think about is how a person may wear 36 DD, and they have natural breasts, or the person may have had a reduction to this size, or implants. They may have more muscle mass at the top, or be older, and weight is placed at the bottom. This means because not all breast are created equally, the bras will also not be designed equally. They are built for a purpose. Below is a diagram of just 12 key types of breasts. This means a bra in a size 36DD may have 12 different bra fits for the NEED/PURPOSE. In reality there can be about 24 fit needs, and then many design aesthetics applied.

The equation will shed light on why not every bra fits the same. We use fit & style.
12 fit types x 12 aesthetic design= 144 bra types for each size based on the 12 breast types in the above image.
So what shape are you? How does life show up on the body? And what is your breast or hip type? How has your body changed in the last few years?
Please feel free to review items on the website to see what works best for you. There will be body icons on each product to help you find the best fit for your body type.
Stay tuned for our next post about fit. We will teach you how to know what to buy, for the need & shape.
Thank your for being a part of our Family!
Michelle, Katy & the Changewear Team
Creating Change Wear (Where) You Are™
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