Creating Change Wear (Where) You Are: Destiny Davis
Changewear is committed to supporting women where they are. We believe that when we are supporting each other no matter the circumstances or story, then there is a movement that is created empowering each other to be our very best version of ourselves. One of the ways we do this is by celebrating our differences, sharing our challenges, acknowledging our wins and shining light on our tenacity and strength.
Changewear is pleased to present a series of inspiring women and the amazing books, businesses and impact they are bringing to our world. We are pleased to bring you these stories of how these women are Creating Change Where They Are.
Meet Destiny:
We are pleased for you to meet Destiny Davis. Destiny is a Luxury Real Estate Agent with Douglas Elliman. Destiny brings heart and passionate lifestyle optimization to the industry and offers her clients an exceptional experience as they move from contract to close. Destiny is passionate about people and uses her expertise and wisdom to craft a meaningful and supportive journey for each and every one of her clients. We are so grateful to learn from Destiny and celebrate her work and influence in creating change were she is.
Changewear: Please tell us about your company/mission and how you came to create this?
Destiny Davis: Douglas Elliman was established in 1911, we are passionate about delivering exceptional consumer experiences. Essentially, I am a business within a business. From sales and rentals, to investors and developers; I create a seamless process for my clients, navigating them through the Real Estate journey from contract to close. Intentionally weaving in lifestyle optimization throughout the process, adding much needed Heart to the client experience and to the industry.
CW: Change is a big part of our brand and we believe in effecting change where you are and that even the smallest change can bring about huge benefits. What are some changes that you made in your life that had great impacts on you or others around you?
DD: In general, I’ve learned to embrace change, as it’s the only real constant in life; learning to accept what Is, in the Present moment as an ever-changing process. However, I don’t necessarily like the word “change” in this specific connotation, instead I would offer the word “returning”. The Dali Lama said, "Be the change you want to see in the world," and so in this sense yes, change is the greatest gift you can give others around you.
Be the Light, Be the Love; Be Whole, Be Kind. However, learning what it really means to Be these things is the journey of enlightenment or self-actualization. So in this sense, it’s all about Returning to the original Essence of your Spirit, the I Am Presence within you, and learning to operate from this place of Being in the world.
It’s a return trip; and mostly the returning is about un-conditioning and unlearning, shedding years and layers of programming, judgements, labels, self-limiting beliefs, shame, fear, illusion, etc. etc., all things manifest of the ego mind. Of course, ego in the spiritual sense, Edging God out, not ego as in an inflated version of self.
Most people believe that changing your life requires huge and drastic shifts, while I believe fully that it’s unlikely huge moments of Awakening that create real “change”, but it is small actions, small decisions, made every day, to do better and be better that start to shift the trajectory of our lives. And when the Awakening comes in a flash of Inspiration, it’s because we’ve primed ourselves to receive through a thousand small, but intentional acts. It’s a compounding effect and anyone in finance knows compounding is where real wealth is created, same with Spirit.
The Tao teaches,
“In the universe great acts are made up of small deeds.
The sage does not attempt anything very big,
And thus, achieves greatness.”
Additionally, what has really helped me is learning to be mindful of self-talk, Intention and Awareness of who I am and what I stand for. Real Estate can be an emotionally brutal business, and if you’re not mindful, it can beat you down; it can be easy to fall into “tit for tat”, scarcity, fear, injustice; all things manifest of the ego mind.
Or just in life, when I am feeling resistance toward something that I know is good for me but I’m also feeling tired, sad, lazy, etc.… I will ask myself these two questions; I’ll say to myself, “D, is this really who you are… and is this reaaally what you stand for…?” After that… and this has really been life changing, I will ask myself; “If I didn’t have this belief ___, what would I do?” For example, many of us have a deep fear of rejection, or failure, because deep down we hold a belief of not being enough or of being unworthy, so I’ll ask myself; If I really knew deep down inside that I was enough, what would I do?... What if I fail?... Then what?... If you can ask yourself these questions in the space of stillness, without attachment and labels to what the answer should be, Spirit will whisper Truth to you and slowly, you’ll learn to listen to and trust the wisdom of your own heart.
You’ll never be afraid of failure because you’ll know there is no such thing; you either “fail” or you learn. What’s failure anyway? How do you know that not getting what you wanted in that moment isn’t the best thing that ever happened to you?
CW: What are some ways that we can help support you? What would you like us to know?
DD: You can support me by being a kind human being in the world. Light a match in a dark place. Take a moment to be Present where ever you are, look at your friend, family member, colleague, stranger, in the eyes and listen to them with your heart. It’s scary in the world of social media, how disconnected we’ve become, how polarized, zombie-like, completely unconscious to our shared common humanity.
So many people, in their own living rooms, will leave loving compliments for celebrities and total strangers on their social media, just to look up from their phone and yell at the dog or freak out on their child or spouse, it’s insanity, or have you ever thought of where the food your about to eat even came from? We need you now more than ever, brave souls that are unafraid to authentically shine and live an inspired life.
CW: What are you most looking forward to in your immediate future?
DD: I am excited to finish my yoga teacher training in the middle of November, I’ve always had a deep passion for Yoga and really looking forward to sharing that passion. Additionally, I have a lot of exciting things happening in my Real Estate career; I’m waiting for my license to come from Nevada. I have really exciting news but am unable to share at this time, more to come in October!
CW: We have met you in person and I really love the thoughtful and impactful changes you are creating. We are excited to follow you along on your path to greatness. We would love to follow you on social media, what are your links? Please tell us where you can find your company.
DD: You can find me at @destinydavis824 on both Instagram and Twitter!
Destiny, Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed and sharing your greatness with our Changewear community. We wish you the very best as you continue bringing heart to your industry!
Michelle and The Changewear Team
Creating Change Wear (Where) You Are™
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