Creating Change Wear (Where) You Are: Maryam Behrouzi
Changewear is committed to supporting women where they are. We believe that when we are supporting each other no matter the circumstances or story, then there is a movement that is created empowering each other to be our very best version of ourselves. One of the ways we do this is by celebrating our differences, sharing our challenges, acknowledging our wins and shining light on our tenacity and strength.
Changewear is pleased to present a series of inspiring women and the amazing books, businesses and impact they are bringing to our world. We are pleased to bring you these stories of how these women are Creating Change Where They Are.
Meet Maryam:
We are pleased for you to meet the Founder of SPELA Cosmetics, Maryam Behrouzi. Maryam is the founder of SPELA Cosmetics, a Portland, Oregon based cosmetics line that is committed to creating high quality, long wearing formulas that are vegan, cruelty free, nontoxic, and made in the U.S.A. Maryam is an inspiring woman who has turned her passion into her own business and continues to grow and thrive in the competitive cosmetics industry.
Changewear: Change is a big part of our brand and we believe in effecting change where you are and that even the smallest change can bring about huge benefits. What are some changes that you made in your life that had great impacts on you or others around you?
Maryam Behrouzi: I really believe that all of life is change, and that we have to embrace that fact in order to live well. This involves changes that can be tangible and seen by others as well as changes that can’t be seen that have more to do with the emotional and mental experience of life, and I believe that the emotional / mental change always comes first before the tangible physical change.
It’s funny to reflect back and to feel that just a very small mental change can lead to a complete change in your life. One of the biggest changes that I made that I can point to is the decision to move to Montreal in my early 20s. I was attending a great University in my hometown, but was really unhappy and felt a little bit boxed in by my life as though I was driven a lot by expectations that were placed on me (both by others and by myself). I decided to start living life on my own terms and for myself, and moved to Montreal without knowing a single person there, or what I would really do (other than take french classes). It was one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life.
CW: What are some ways that we can help support you? What would you like us to know?
MB: I’m not sure - I feel supported in all sorts of ways. I feel supported when I’m inspired. I think support mostly comes in one-on-one engagement and just the ability to be real with people without feeling that you need to be a certain way / feel a certain way. I love the group that we’re a part of - Woman Led - because I think it provides that every single week. I couldn’t do what I do without my WL group.
CW: What are you most looking forward to in your immediate future?
MB: It’s almost the first day of summer right now, so there’s always a lot I look forward to at this time of year! I feel like I’m at 100% in the summer with our long days and everything in bloom. I’m looking forward to all of the plants in my garden going through their phases, and harvesting some of the many things we’ve planted. I’m also really looking forward to a trip I have planned to Alaska around July 4th - Sunset will be around midnight and Sunrise will be at 3am.
I think lately I’ve been very inspired by nature, and especially the resilience of nature through difficult times. It is always something that I look at and feel that is ingrained in who I am as well.
CW: We have met you in person and I really love the thoughtful and sustainable products you are creating. We are excited to follow you along on your path to greatness. We would love to follow you on social media, what are your links? Please tell us where you can find your Spela Cosmetics.
MB: The social media that we’re most active on is Instagram.
We also have less active accounts on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.
To buy our products the best place to check is our website www.spelacosmetics.com.
You can shop directly from our site or find a retailer close to where you are!
Maryam, Thank you for taking the time to be interviewed and sharing your greatness with our Changewear community. We wish you the very best as you embark on a fantastic life!
Michelle and The Changewear Team
Creating Change Wear (Where) You Are™
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